
2 Fold Serial Dilution

  1. 2 Fold Serial Dilution
  2. 2 Fold Serial Dilution Calculator
  3. 2 Fold Serial Dilution Illustration
  4. 2 Fold Serial Dilution Method
  5. 2 Fold Serial Dilution Calculator

This section is not a recipe for your experiment. It explains someprinciples for designing dilutions that give optimal results. Onceyou understand these principles, you will be better able to designthe dilutions you need for each specific case.

2-fold Dilution Setup? You are given a 50mg/mL solution of bacteria. Explain how you would set up 2 fold dilutions. How would you do the dilutions so that the final volume in the last tube is 500 micro liters? Then, explain if you had a total of 4 tubes, what would be the concentration in the last tube? 2-fold serial diltuton. A series of tubes set up to yield a 1:2 dilution from one tube to the next with the same amount of diluent in each. The resultant dilutions are 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16 and so on?

Often in experimental work, you need to cover a range ofconcentrations, so you need to make a bunch of differentdilutions. For example, you need to do such dilutions of thestandard IgG to make the standard curve in ELISA, and then againfor the unknown samples in ELISA.

2 Fold Serial Dilution

You might think it would be good to dilute 1/2, 1/3, 1/10, 1/100.These seem like nice numbers. There are two problems with this series ofdilutions.

2 Fold Serial Dilution Calculator

  1. The dilutions are unnecessarily complicated to make. You need to do a differentcalculation, and measure different volumes, for each one. It takes a longtime, and it is too easy to make a mistake.
  2. The dilutions cover the range from 1/2 to 1/100 unevenly.In fact, the 1/2 vs. 1/3 dilutions differ by only 1.5-fold in concentration,while the 1/10 vs. 1/100 dilutions differ by ten-fold. If you are going tomeasure results for four dilutions, it is a waste of time and materialsto make two of them almost the same. And what if the half-maximal signaloccurs between 1/10 and 1/100? You won't be able to tell exactly where itis because of the big space between those two.

Serial dilutions are much easier to make and they cover the range evenly.

Serial dilutions are made by making the same dilution step over and over,using the previous dilution as the input to the next dilution in each step.Since the dilution-fold is the same in each step, the dilutionsare a geometric series (constant ratio between any adjacent dilutions).For example:

    1/3, 1/9, 1/27, 1/81
Notice that each dilution is three-fold relative to the previous one.In four dilutions, we have covered a range of 181/3 = 60-fold.If that isn't enough range, consider a series of five-fold dilutions:
    1/5, 1/25, 1/125, 1/625
Here we've covered a (625/5) = 125-fold range.No matter where the half-max falls in a series of 5-fold dilutions,it is no more than2.2-fold ('middle' [square root] of a 5-fold step) awayfrom a data point -- so the coverage of the range is thorough and even.

When you need to cover several factors of ten (several 'orders of magnitude') witha series of dilutions, it usually makes the most sense to plot the dilutions(relative concentrations) on a logarithmic scale. This avoids bunching mostof the points up at one end and having just the last point way fardown the scale.

Before making serial dilutions, you need to make rough estimatesof the concentrationsin your unknowns, and your uncertainty in those estimates. For example,if A280 says you have 7.0 mg total protein/ml, and you thinkthe protein could be anywhere between 10% and 100% pure, then yourassay needs to be able to see anything between 0.7 and 7 mg/ml.That means you need to cover a ten-fold range of dilutions, or maybe a bitmore to be sure.

If the half-max of your assay occurs atabout 0.5mg/ml,then your minimum dilution fold is(700mg/ml)/(0.5mg/ml) = 1,400.Your maximum is(7000mg/ml)/(0.5mg/ml) = 14,000.So to be safe, you might want to cover 1,000 through 20,000.

In general, before designing a dilution series, you need to decide:

  1. What are the lowest and highest concentrations (or dilutions)you need to test in order to be certain of finding the half-max? Thesedetermine the range of the dilution series.
  2. How many tests do you want to make? This determines the size of theexperiment, and how much of your reagents you consume. More tests will coverthe range in more detail, but may take too long to perform (or cost too much).Fewer tests are easier to do, but may not cover the range in enough detailto get an accurate result.
  3. What volume of each dilution do you need to make in order to haveenough for the replicate tests you plan to do?

Now suppose you decide that six tests will be adequate (perhapseach in quadruplicate).Well, starting at 1/1,000, you need five equal dilution steps (giving yousix total dilutions counting the starting 1/1,000) that end ina 20-fold higher dilution (giving 1/20,000). You can decide on a goodstep size easily by trial and error. Would 2-fold work? 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32. Yes, in factthat covers 32-fold, more than the 20-fold range we need. (The exact answeris the 5th root of 20, which your calculator will tell you is 1.82 foldper step. It is much easier to go with 2-fold dilutions and gives about thesame result.)

So, you need to make a 1/1,000 dilution to start with. Then you need toserially dilute that 2-fold per step in five steps. You could make 1/1,000 byadding 1 microliter of sample to 0.999 ml diluent. Why is that a poor choice?Because you can't measure 1 microliter (or even 10 microliters) accuratelywith ordinary pipeters. So, make three serial 1/10 dilutions(0.1 ml [100 microliters] into 0.9 ml): 1/10 x 1/10 x 1/10 = 1/1,000.

Now you could add 1.0 ml of the starting 1/1,000 dilution to1.0 ml of diluent, making a 2-fold dilution (giving 1/2,000).Then remove 1.0 ml from that dilution (leaving 1.0 ml for yourtests), and add it to 1.0 ml of diluent in the next tube (giving1/4,000). And so forth for 3 more serial dilution steps (giving1/8,000, 1/16,000, and 1/32,000). You end up with 1.0 ml of each dilution.If that is enough to perform all of your tests, this dilution planwill work. If you need larger volumes, increase the volumes you useto make your dilutions (e.g. 2.0 ml + 2.0 ml in each step).


How do you calculate serial dilutions?

1 Answer

You multiply the original concentration by the dilution factors for each dilution.


A serial dilution is any dilution in which the concentration decreases by the same factor in each successive step.

In serial dilutions, you multiply the dilution factors for each step.

The dilution factor or the dilution is the initial volume divided by the final volume.

#DF = V_i/V_f#

For example, if you add a 1 mL sample to 9 mL of diluent to get 10 mL of solution,

#DF = V_i/V_f# = #(1'mL')/(10'mL') = 1/10#. This is a 1:10 dilution.

Example 1

What is the dilution factor if you add 0.2 mL of a stock solution to 3.8 mL of diluent?

#V_f# = 0.2 mL + 3.8 mL = 4.0 mL

#DF = V_i/V_f# = #(0.2'mL')/(4.0'mL') = 1/20#. This is a 1:20 dilution. https://treeopen877.weebly.com/blog/mac-address-vendor-database-download.

Example 2

If you did the above dilution four times, what would be the final dilution factor?

Solution 2

Remember that serial dilutions are always made by taking a set quantity of the initial dilution and adding it successively to tubes with the same volume. So you multiply each successive dilution by the dilution factor.

You would transfer 0.2 mL from Tube 1 to 3.8 mL of diluent in Tube 2 and mix. Then transfer 0.2 mL from Tube 2 to 3.8 mL of diluent in Tube 3 and mix. Repeat the process until you have four tubes.

The dilution factor after four dilutions is

#DF = 1/20 × 1/20 × 1/20 × 1/20 = 1/160000# = 1:160 000

If the concentration of the original stock solution was 100 µg/µL, the concentration in Tube 4 would be

2 Fold Serial Dilution Illustration

100 µg/µL × #1/160000# = 6.25 × 10⁻⁴ µg/µL

2 Fold Serial Dilution Method

Hope this helps.

2 Fold Serial Dilution Calculator

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