
Imperialism 2 Windows 10

  1. Imperialism 2 For Windows 10
  2. Imperialism 2 Windows 10
  3. Imperialism 2 The Age Of Exploration On Windows 10

Imperialism II: The Age of Exploration is the sequel to the world conquest game in which you control an Old World power between 1500-1850, trying to exploit the New World to support your dominance of the superpowers.

  1. OS X 10.7 or newer. Imperialism 2: The Age of Exploration. General troubleshooting. Known solutions to game issues. Other helpful articles.
  2. Combining elements of resource management, economic trade, exploration, diplomatic wheeling-and-dealing, and military conquest, Imperialism 2: The Age of Exploration challenges you to leverage New World wealth into Old World dominance. To achieve world domination, you would be wise to employ a web of intricate strategies and plans within plans.
  3. Imperialism II is a turn based 4X game, where you have to 'eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate' in order to achieve victory. The game however focuses on the economic aspect with concepts of variable worker productivity, variable terrain productivity, labor allocation, resource allocation and logistics. The economic aspect Edit.
  4. Imperialism Free Download for PC is a turn-based strategy game for Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh computers, developed by Frog City Software and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. («SSI») in 1997.
  5. Imperialism II is a well-designed, solid performer that makes a fun play and an interesting challenge, and the creators deserve kudos for a job well done. However, Imp II won't be joining the library of games that have a permanent residence on my hard drive. There are two real reasons for this. First, the game is the same every time.
In article <373E7C..@telusplanet.net>, P & D Martel
<pdma..@telusplanet.net> wrote:
> Does anybody have any cheats for IMP2? Hex cheat? Game editor for Mac? I
> can't seem to get Cheat II to work on this game.

Imperialism 2 For Windows 10

> I did find that if you create a map named 'Eden' all of the countries
> are covered with grain farms.

It can be done, but it is not for the faint of heart. Try this:

1. Start a new game. Save immediately, without doing anything at all.
Write down the amount of each resource and the amount of cash you have.
Convert all of these numbers into hexadecimal.

2. Quit Imp II and launch a utility that can edit data forks of files.
Open your saved game. Work with a copy of the save game file as it is
really easy to screw up a file with a hex editor.

3. Use the 'Find' command and search for the name of your country. The
hex addresses for cash and resources are nearby.

4. Cash is closest. Let's say you have $5000. Look for the hex string
'1388' (5000 converted to hex) near the spot you landed in step 3.
***Important: for some reason this will only work if you have not spent any
money yet. After you start spending cash, the value shown on the screen
and the value stored in the save file are not the same.

Imperialism 2 Windows 10

5. The resources are a bit farther down in the file. What I have done is
to 'Find' again, this time looking for the hex value 00xx 00yy 00zz where x
y z are the amount of grain, fish, and meat you have (transformed into
hex). The other resources are above the ones for food. They are ROUGHLY
in the order they appear on the production screen, eg Wool, Cotton, Timber,
Tin and so forth and will be in the format 00aa 00bb 00cc 00dd where a is
wool, b is Cotton, and so forth. I have not tried editing these above FF

Imperialism 2 The Age Of Exploration On Windows 10


6. Save your file after doing your dastardly deed.

7. Launch Imp II and open your save file. If it crashes and burns, you
did something wrong. If you are rich and well-supplied, you did it right.

8. Don't bother writing down the locations of the stuff you edited. It
will change as the game goes on. If you want to re-edit the same file, you
need to start from scratch.

If people ask me really nicely, I could be persuaded to send a 'before and
after' set of files so you can compare the two.

One final note - Imp II is really not very much fun hacked like this. I
enjoy cracking the save game files as an intellectual/detective exercise,
but playing the resulting hacked game is a challenge on the order of taking
candy from a baby. I played one game in stomp mode after I figured out how
to do this and haven't hacked another game since.


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Ugly but engaging strategy game for armchair explorers

The turn-based strategy genre is a crowded market, with top titles including Civilisation, Total War and Alpha Centauri. While Imperialism 2 lacks the sophistication of some of these other games, it is certainly deep enough to keep budding empire-builders occupied. The game takes players on an epic journey starting in 16th Century Europe and sees them sending out explorers, forging alliances, developing technology and waging war, all with the aim of creating the mightiest empire in history. Players are certainly kept busy, with a number of important considerations to be managed, including resources, international relations, and the needs of your ever growing population. All this is achieved through a user interface which is surprisingly intuitive and easy to get the hang of, despite the complexity of your tasks. Graphically, the game is rather ugly, with basic map screens and crude battle scenes which lack detail. Sound too is minimal and together these factors may put off many players looking for something with a bit more flair. However, to do so would be to ignore what is actually an ingenious and worthy addition to the strategy genre. Although lacking in action, with a deliberately slow pace, Imperialism 2 is addictive and complex, and has much to offer armchair politicians if you can ignore its occasional frustrations.